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30 June, 2008

Lake Okoboji Cycling Classic

Did the University of Okoboji Cycling Classic last Saturday. There are three options, 25, 50, or 100 mile rides. I, as a relatively sedentary individual as of late, of course, chose the 25. Good choice. Other folks that have been doing this ride for years tell me that it was the windiest they had ever seen. We finished the ride and went to The Ritz, a cool lakeside bar, and (luckily) found a table outside. Within 45 minutes the wind began sending food and drink asunder with sideways rain to acompany it. God bless the folks on the longer rides, I don't know how (or if) they finished. We spent the rest of the weekend doing all the recommended activities. Went to the bars that evening and saw a couple of bands from Minneapolis. All the bars are packed shoulder to shoulder, don't think it matters who the band is, here, you find an audience. Sunday we went to the Barefoot Bar. Click on the link for a live cam. Yep, that's right palm trees in Iowa. Last but not least we went to Arnold's Park, one of the oldest running amusement parks in the country, and I, being blessed with the opportunity, rode the wooden roller coaster. Big, bumpy, fun. Hooray for fun!! Anyway, all good things must end, so, back to the parking lot and back to Sioux City. See 'ya next week.