thog blog

Things are happening!

Dogpile Search

Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!


15 November, 2005

58 Page Report on Phishing

This is a very comprehensive whitepaper report created for the Dept. of Homeland Security that defines cyber-scamming methodologies and security solutions. This is Essential knowledge for all on-line users. Read pdf file Here. I've also placed a phishing update in the right hand side-bar. It's astounding. These crooks are at it all day...

12 November, 2005

Infomine Search Engine, Quality over Quantity

For those of you who require accurate, dependable answers to their search inquiries, try this search engine....
It is designed By some of the best librarians in the country (U.C. Berkley) to find the most credible sources for your search. Only authoratative sites that stand behind their information are included, gov, .edu, ect...

06 November, 2005

VGG | A Transmission from Space!

Finally, definitive proof of extraterrestial life! See the Transmission from Space!

04 November, 2005

Welcome to Plug and Pray

Plug And Pray, Faith and efficiency. Combined

03 November, 2005

Panexa (Acidachrome Promanganate)

Panexa, the drug to take when you need to take a drug.