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26 May, 2008


I'm walking under a surreal blue sky. More intensely blue than anyone else under it could possibly imagine. Why? Because I'm in love and I'm on my way to meet my baby. I'm walking over the last hill of my journey before I'll be able to see her. How do I know? 'Cause I can feel it. I know it. She's there, just a matter of this land gettin' outta my way. As I crest the final hill that is obstructing me from her, I see dozens of people before me but there she shines! The one person I've been able to find in a crowd since I met her. The best girl in Iowa! She sees me too and we draw toward each other as we have always done, smiling, eager to be together. As she becomes close enough for me to read intimately, I see something wrong. Everything is in place, the smile, the confident gait, yet I'm sure something is wrong, forced, not sincere. We approach, smiles present and I reach out my arm, eager for that rush of feeling that will shelter each other from the harshness of this world. As my arm closes around her, a searing, piercing pain consumes me. It radiates from my side and the shock of it threatens my breath. Gasping, I look towards the source and am stunned to see a dagger still firmly held by her, embedded in my side, between my ribs. I look into her eyes and I see nothing. Her face is flat as the dead yet she still holds the knife firmly. I fall to my knees, disbelief and agony swirling together threatening to consume me. I look up into her still eyes, searching for anything familiar, a clue as to what is happening to me... Nothing. WHY? I haven't caught my breath since the crime yet all I can ask is WHY. I stare up into her eyes, looking for any sign of compassion and use all the energy I have in me and yell WHY!!! She stares at me with clinical precision, emotionally blank yet attentive and says nothing. The betrayal bursts with a brilliant explosion of white light before my eyes and anger wells from my chest and blasts from my mouth. I shout WHY? A brief flicker of hatred flashes in her eyes but it's gone before I'm sure I saw it. Then the knife twists sharply. I feel the blade scrape against bone and I crumple the rest of the way to the ground face down in the dirt. I weep, sob, wail, and choke on the dirt, WHY, WHY, Why, why, whyyyyeee. I turn my pathetic, mud smeared, face up from the ground and see that she is squatting over me, still holding the knife, and... smiling an amused smirk with a hint of gratification. At last it hits me. She's been telling me why all along. It's who she is. It's what she does. I've been feeding her, giving her power. I look at her face again and the smile is gone. She looks almost vacant again except for a distant, inward, recognition of something. She releases her grip on the knife and calmly stands up. As I reach for the knife she is already turning, walking away. I pull the knife from my side and stare at it. It's only one inch long and one inch wide. I see that I will be alright. "Sweet Jesus I'm glad that's over" I exclaim. From her dwindling silhouette I hear her say "Yeah, but it was good while it lasted".
(Not remotely related to Nino)


  • At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are right, it is the way she is!!! Please don't forget this.

  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger John Pochervina said…

    I don't know what to say. It is healing to be so in touch with your feelings. Your expression is very lyrical... 'A one inch knife', very nice... John


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