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29 September, 2005

Breast Cancer Benifit Concert Pics

Sorry, a little late with these... We organized a concert to help the Chicas for Chi-Chis meet their goal and participate in the Susan Koman 3 Day Walk for the Cure. Here's a few pictures of the event,,, Concert Pics

27 September, 2005

Human beings do not have dominion over the plants and animals. To act as so is arrogant, profane, and ultimately a boomerang honed for suicide. The non-human earth has an identity just as strong as ours, and a station in life as valuable. The welfare and wishes of the inhuman must be taken into consideration by any civilization with legitimate chances for survival, although the issue is not merely pragmatic but moral and aesthetic. Humanity is a function of nature. It cannot live seperately except in a self-deceiving masquarade. It cannot live in opposition except in a schizophrenic crime. It cannot blind itself to the wonders of nature without mutating into something too monsterous to love.
-Tom Robbins

21 September, 2005

Local Movie, Never Been Thawed, Takes Off

It's good to see Never Been Thawed doing so well, it deserves it. A hilarious, unique, indie film right otta' hometown Phoenix, hopefully coming to your town. Check out the Props used in this movie.

19 September, 2005

Bob Log on Thog Blog!

For those of you that didn't know that great music comes from Arizona, meet the great Bob Log the 3rd. Fomally of Doo Rag, he now is a one man band, playing hyper-driven slide guitar and a bass drum while singing into a mic comcealed behind his motorcycle helmet, creating a Mississippi delta punk, blues. Sorta'. What more needs to be said? Oh yeah, Check out his videos.

06 September, 2005

Club Congress 20th Anniversary Celebration

Went to the Club Congress 20th Anniversary Celebration
What a bash! 40 bands! 20 reunions! My favorite moment was when Doo Rag pulled a guerilla attack by performing in the womens bathroom of the Rialto theater. The kinda story you save for the grandkids.